Hopper Dredge Ellis Island Arrives in Carteret County

Business & Finance
Image source: Carteret County

As scheduled one the largest hopper dredges in the United States, the Ellis Island has arrived in Carteret County and is now pumping sand on to the Pine Knoll Shores.

According to the County Shore Protection Office, the Ellis Island arrived on March 19, underwent environmental testing (mostly related to sea turtle protection), and started dredging the same morning.

The officials also said that the dredge Liberty Island has been working seamlessly in the interim, and is scheduled to depart later today (March 23) with the Ellis Island remaining for the duration of the project.

To this end, Great Lakes Dredge & Dock has three submerged pipeline assemblies on-site. Two are now “active”, the other is basically “inactive” for now but has been sunk in west Emerald Isle.

Scheduling wise (mechanical and weather dependent) – the first week of April could see Pine Knoll Shores completed and the Salter Path reach started and nearly complete as well. The second week in April through the third week of April includes the start and completion of West Emerald Isle, the county added in the update.

The contract for the phase II of the Post Florence Renourishment Project was awarded to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock. Phase II will utilize 1,995,000 cubic yards of sand obtained from the Offshore Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS) associated with Morehead City Federal Navigation Project.

West Emerald Isle (EI), Salter Path (IB), Pine Knoll Shores (PKS), and West Atlantic Beach will receive 345,000 cy, 140,000 cy, 990,000 cy, and 520,000 cy, respectively along 9.5 miles of shorelines.