All Set for Folkestone Beach Works

Business & Finance

Essential beach management works that will protect the district’s coastline started last week in south-east England, informs the Folkestone and Hythe District Council (FHDC).

Image source: Land and Water

The work – which involves the recycling and regrading of shingle beaches between Fisherman’s Beach in Hythe to Folkestone Harbor – always takes place around this time of year.

Following the significant impact caused by various storms in recent months, surveys have shown it to be necessary to begin and complete the task as soon as possible.

Cllr John Collier, FHDC Cabinet Member for Property Management and Grounds Maintenance, said: “We clearly need to guard against any risk of suffering tidal flooding at a time where people are being urged to stay at home.”

This isn’t a case of doing work to simply make the beach look nice for the summer – it is for the benefit of our residents by providing protection to the sea wall and therefore reduce the risk of flooding and coastal erosion.”

The enhancement of the coastline’s defenses is expected to take a number of weeks to complete.