CSD General MacArthur Enters Service

Business & Finance

Spanning construction operations over three Gulf Coast shipyards, Galveston, Texas based Callan Marine is now placing into service its new Jones Act cutterhead suction dredger (CSD) General MacArthur and its accompanying Idler Barge. 

Image source: dredgingcontractors.org

Last week, the U.S. Coast Guard cleared the MacArthur with its Certificate of Inspection (COI) and the American Bureau of Shipping classified the new ship.

On Saturday, May 16, 2020, the MacArthur pushed off the dock in Belle Chase, Louisiana heading straight to work on some Texas projects and eventually transiting to Corpus Christi for Phase II of the deepening and widening project.

Commenting on the the new dredge, Maxie McGuire, President of Callan Marine, said: “The General MacArthur is leading the way into a new generation of dredging technology and comfort, adding to Callan Marine’s already capable fleet of dredges.”

Support vessels and equipment built to serve the new dredge include an anchor barge, idler barge and a large complement of dredge pipeline.