Loch Lomond dredging update available


The Loch Lomond dredging work in Cary, NC, is continuing to move forward, according to the latest project update.


The local contractor, MEC, has been able to directly load sediment that was dry enough to be hauled off site without having to stage it and wait for drying. 

As more wet material is encountered, it may need to be contained on land in corrals to allow drying to take place.

“We estimate approximately 1,800 CY of material has been hauled off site so far with a target amount of 3,800 CY,” the update reads.

In addition to the dredging, some maintenance work has been done to remove debris around the lake as well as to reset the rip rap. 

Also, repairs have been made to the wood footbridge. It will be finished and stained later in November or early December. 

The north section of the trail near the bridge will be closed soon while pipes under the trail are replaced.