Hjertøysundet dredging project nears end


Wasa Dredging, a Finland based marine offshore and inland water construction company, is currently working in Hjertøysundet, Norway.

Wasa Dredging

In fact, this project consists mainly of underwater blasting and dredging of bedrock for their client Kystverket.

For this work, Wasa mobilized the combined dredger/drill pontoon Hector, along with the 940m3 split-barges Miika II and Dana II.

The project is progressing quickly, the company said in the latest update.

Wasa Dredging works as a marine offshore and inland water construction company operating mainly in Scandinavia and the Baltic region.

Furthermore, their main line of business is capital and maintenance dredging of fairways and harbors.

“Underwater blasting and dredging of hard material are our specialties,” the company said.

According to the update, Wasa will finish the project by mid or end of December 2020.