Final phase of the West Bay coastal scheme

Operations & Maintenance

The final phase of the West Bay Coastal Defence Improvements Scheme is due to be carried out this winter 2020/21, informs the Dorset Coast Forum.

Dorset Coast Forum

Fluvial improvement works to the River Brit riverbank will provide protection against the river overflowing and flooding the Parkdean Resorts West Bay Holiday Park and West Bay.

The scheme is a partnership between Dorset Council, the Environment Agency, Parkdean Resorts UK, Dorset Coast Forum and Jacobs Consultants.

As planned, this work to improve the riverbank will start today, November 30. Over a period of 16 weeks, Dorset Council and its contractors will be driving in a sheet pile flood defence wall along the line of the existing bank.

The riverbank will be re-profiled to improve its integrity, as well as installing scour protection for the riverbank where required.

Access will also be improved for the Environment Agency and Dorset Council operations and maintenance teams to structures that need frequent monitoring and maintenance.

According to the Dorset Coast Forum, works are due to be completed by March 2021.