Comments sought on Rogue River dredging project

Authorities & Government

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District recently released draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Rogue River Maintenance Dredging project in Curry County, Oregon.


As reported, USACE is proposing to conduct maintenance dredging of the river and is seeking public comment on the Rogue River Maintenance Dredging draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA).

This SEA is intended to supplement the 2015 Environmental Assessment (EA), dated 30 JUN 2015, that disclosed maintenance dredging activities for the Rogue River Entrance Channel and Gold Beach Boat Basin Access Channel; however, did not include dredging a gravel bar located just upstream of the Boat Basin Access Channel that is causing significant infill of the navigation channel.

Under the proposed action, the Corps proposes to increase the volume of material to be removed from the Entrance Channel and Boat Basin Access Channel during regular maintenance, and remove the gravel bar that is currently located just upstream of the Boat Basin Access Channel.

All dredged material will be disposed at the Rogue River Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS).

The proposal to dredge the Rogue River Entrance Channel and Gold Beach Boat Basin is open for public comment through 18 May.