Howth dredging project restarts

Operations & Maintenance

John Sisk & Son Ltd. is back at work at Howth Middle Pier after a long break to continue the dredging in preparation of the new quay wall for the Department of the Agriculture, Food & the Marine.

Alan Tully/John Sisk & Son Ltd

The project involves the extension of Middle Pier to improve access, maintenance and berthing facilities at the north Dublin site.

Overall the scheme includes:

  • Construction of a 134m-long quay wall at the western face of the pier and associated deck area, road access, hard standing and parking;
  • Construction of a rock armour revetment at the eastern side of the Middle Pier;
  • Land reclamation at the eastern side of the Middle Pier;
  • Dredging works at the proposed quay wall face;
  • The treatment and re-use of the dredge spoil within the structure/reclamation area;
  • Installation of new ancillary services and mooring furniture.

The news follows announcement by the Agriculture Minister, Charlie McConalogue TD, of a €38.3 million Capital Investment Package for the ongoing development of Ireland’s publicly owned harbour network.

“Critically, this year’s funding for the Fishery Harbour Centres provides for the completion of three strategically important projects in Castletownbere, Killybegs and Howth, delivering an additional 460 metres of berthing space in the respective harbours. These projects have experienced delays as a result of the necessary Covid restrictions,” said Minister McConologue.

The Howth scheme is expected to be delivered in early 2022 if no further delays are encountered.