USACE releases final SEA for the Channel Islands project

Authorities & Government

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District has completed a Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Channel Islands Harbor breakwater and jetty repair project.


In the SEA, USACE proposes to install three sets of concrete staircases, replace in kind the existing navigational aid concrete pad on the breakwater, and excavate approximately 25,000 cubic yards of shoaled sediments in the lee of the detached breakwater to a depth of -15 feet mean lower low water (MLLW), with a 2 foot allowable over-depth.

The dredged material will be placed by sidecasting it into Areas B and C of the existing Channel Islands Harbor Operations and Maintenance (O&M) dredge template.

Each of the concrete staircases would be approximately 3 feet by 13 feet and placed approximately between 0.0 to +13.0 feet MLLW.

The proposed modifications are located within the the Channel Islands Harbor in the City of Oxnard, California, and adjacent to the detached breakwater located near the entrance to the harbor. The project area would encompass approximately 17 acres on and surrounding the detached breakwater.

The Final SEA may be downloaded as a PDF document from the following location.