Watchet Marina dredging update

Operations & Maintenance

Just two months after acquiring the Watchet Harbour Marina, the Marine Group is making great progress in returning this beautiful marina to its former glory.

Marine Group

The company’s most manoeuvrable water injection dredger, the ‘CMS Innovation’ has been dredging twice a day with each tide for the last two weeks, showing significant results already.

According to Marine Group, this work – combined with the fact that the marina now has the automatic harbour gate functioning again – makes for an exciting summer ahead for Watchet Marina.

“Due to the success of the dredging campaign and the re-instatement of the automatic harbour gate, we will soon be able to offer guaranteed watered berths at all states of the tide,” announced the Marine Group.

This comprehensive dredging campaign, which started in the late spring, will ensure that adequate water depths are available within the marina.

The group concluded that the Watchet Marina will really be in ship-shape condition to welcome new and visiting berth holders this summer.