Final report released on POLB dredging project

Authorities & Government

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District has released the Port of Long Beach Deep Draft Navigation Final Integrated Feasibility Report with Environmental Impact Statement — Environmental Impact Report.

POLB photo

This final report presents a summary of the planning process, describes the affected environmental resources and evaluates the potential impacts to those resources as a result of constructing, operating and maintaining the project.

The POLB is located on the coast of southern California in San Pedro Bay, approximately 20 miles south of downtown Los Angeles, California.

The study area includes the waters in the immediate vicinity (and shoreward) of the breakwaters through the entire Port of Long Beach, including Outer Harbor, Inner Harbor, Cerritos Channel, West Basin, and the Back Channel.

The primary problem is existing channel depths and widths that create limitations of the harbor, resulting in the inefficient operation of deep draft vessels in the Federal (Main) and secondary channels in the POLB, which increases the Nation’s transportation costs.

During the feasibility study process, the Corps – in coordination with the POLB – developed a range of measures and preliminary alternatives.

Presented in the report, Alternative 3 includes the following navigation improvements:

  • Deepen the entrance to the Main Channel (the Approach Channel through Queens Gate) from a project depth of -76 feet to -80 feet MLLW.
  • Widen portions of the Main Channel (bend easing) to a depth of -76 feet MLLW.
  • Construct an approach channel and turning basin to Pier J South to a depth of -55 feet MLLW.
  • Deepen portions of the West Basin and West Basin Approach to a depth of -55 feet MLLW.
  • Deepen the Pier J Basin and berths J266-J270 within the Pier J South Slip to a depth of -55 feet MLLW.
  • Perform structural improvements on Pier J breakwaters at the entrance of the Pier J Slip to accommodate deepening of the Pier J Slip and Approach Channel to -55 feet MLLW.
  • Place dredged material either at a nearshore placement site, an ocean-dredged material disposal site (LA-2 and/or LA-3), or a combination of the two.

To access the final report, please click here.