Langstone FCERM scheme – Ground investigations

Operations & Maintenance

Ground Investigation works are scheduled to take place in Langstone next week (Monday, 13th September 2021) in conjunction with the Langstone Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Scheme.

Coastal Partners

According to Coastal Partners, works will be undertaken by Structural Soils Ltd.

The works will last for approximately 3-4 weeks and will involve undertaking a series of boreholes and trial pits along the Langstone frontage to obtain further detail on the ground conditions, building upon previous investigations conducted in 2018.

The samples will be analysed and will inform the detailed design currently being undertaken by Havant Borough Council for sea defences along the Langstone frontage.

The works are minimal in terms of extent and duration and have been carefully planned in terms of access, timings, and environmental considerations. Works are being undertaken outside of the recognised overwintering bird period and ecological and archaeological watching briefs will be present throughout, reported Coastal Partners.