Beach recycling continues at South Hayling

Operations & Maintenance

Coastal Partners, part of Havant Borough Council, announced yesterday that they will continue beach recycling works along the South Hayling Frontage.

Coastal Partners

As reported, the work will start on 13 September 2021 to ensure the beach is at design profile before the winter period.

“While no storm events have occurred since the last works were undertaken in March, small-scale gradual erosion of the front face of the beach has been ongoing through wave action since this time,” said Coastal Partners. “By undertaking works in September we aim to complete well before the winter period to allow the beach time to gradually settle in to its’ profile before any winter storm events occur.”

Beach recycling is the movement of material from areas of beach build up to areas of erosion. This helps to restore beach levels and increase the standard of protection against flooding.

The project, fully funded by the Environment Agency, will carried out by the contractor, Les Searle Group.

The work will take place along the southern frontage of Hayling Island, with material extracted from the beach between the Coastguard Hut and Gunner Point and deposited along the residential frontage at Eastoke.