River Chet dredging starts in November

Operations & Maintenance

The Broads Authority UK is gearing up for the next round of dredging works on the Upper River Chet.

Broads Authority

According to the notice given by the Authority, dredging will take place from Monday 01 November 2021 until Friday 04 March 2022.

“The maintenance works on the water will involve the use of floating pontoons and small works vessels operating between 08:00 and 16:00 daily excluding weekends. All equipment will be lit and signage will be in place to warn of restriction and delays,” the Authority said.

They also added that approximately 6,000 m3 of sediment will be dredged between Loddon to Chet Mouth and used at Hardley Flood to help improve the Wherryman’s Way footpath.

The Chet is the smallest of the six rivers on the Broads, navigable for 5.5km (3.5 miles). Since 2013, over 30,000m3 of sediment has been dredged from the river to maintain navigation at its optimal level.

The Authority will continue to programme dredging operations to maintain depths in the river in accordance with the prioritisation principles in the Sediment Management Strategy.