Minimising downtime: The importance of reliable dredging partner

Business development

Filip Stefanović, the head of engineering at Ecocoast, recently highlighted the importance of choosing reliable partners for dredging operations, and what the most important considerations should be when choosing a dredging contractor.


According to Mr. Stefanović, as a dredging provider, managing and meeting the expectations of clients is essential.

It is crucial that timelines are adhered to, as any delays could mean significant opportunity costs for the client administrating the waterway in question.

Fault for any delays will inevitably be attributed to the dredging provider, regardless of whether the fault is that of the dredging provider directly. Ultimately, responsibility for choosing supply chain partners to effectively support the dredging operation falls on the dredging provider themselves, which is why choosing reliable partners is of the utmost importance.

Ecocoast photo

Dredging is very much a team effort, and the slowest and least efficient component of that team will be the limiting factor that will determine the overall speed and therefore cost of the project.

In order to minimise downtime, it is essential for dredging companies to perfect their supply chain so that only the most professional and competent partners are chosen to provide operational support.

“Damage to environmental protection equipment and delays in their delivery can cost multiple times the cost of the equipment itself. Indeed, reputational damage is also risked if the equipment fails and results in damage to the environment. The peace of mind of having a supplier that you are confident with, that will deliver high-quality products on time is very valuable, particularly if the project preparation period is short,” said client representative of a leading international dredging firm.

Ecocoast photo

Here are the most important considerations when selecting suppliers to make a supply chain more efficient:

  • Dredging experience;
  • Local expertise;
  • Transportation efficiency;
  • Product quality;
  • Deployment of product speed;
  • Customisation.

It is clear that cost cannot be the only factor to consider when choosing a supplier to provide dredging project equipment. A risk cost analysis must be conducted when evaluating suppliers. Though one supplier may provide cheaper equipment, several other factors need to come into account, all of which can affect the project duration and therefore the cost of the operation, which can be considerable.