Land & Water switches to using 100% HVO fuel

Business development

Wet civil engineering firm Land & Water has switched to using 100% HVO fuel in all of its projects as part of its commitment towards reducing its carbon footprint. The UK SME is also aiming to become Carbon Net Zero by 2030.

Land & Water

“This forward-thinking and innovative change has been driven by a recent internal carbon footprint assessment which showed that gas oil represents almost 75% of Land & Water’s Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions. Not only this, but with the construction industry contributing around 40% of the UK’s total carbon footprint, Land & Water aims to be part of the solution to drive the sector in to a more sustainable mindset,” the company stated.

James Maclean, CEO of Land & Water said: “The UK’s net-zero target is fast approaching and cutting harmful emissions has never been more important to us here at Land & Water as we aim to reduce our environmental impact.”

“The switch to HVO is the first and biggest step we can make on our Route Map to Net Zero and with clients increasingly seeking sustainable projects, there is no better time than the present to implement this sustainable biofuel.”

The switch follows a successful HVO trial at Land & Water’s Habitat Creation Scheme at Rainham Marshes which uses dredged materials from projects across the UK to create landforms along the East London Corridor to increase biodiversity.

Land & Water will be operating the 152 hectares of silt lagoons until 2042, resulting in over six million tonnes of wet and dry spoil material being repurposed and 1,000,000m2 of valuable habitat being created.