Another HID dredger ready for delivery


Chinese manufacturer of dredgers and dredging equipment, HID Dredging recently launched another vessel from its portfolio—the HID 80-ton excavator barge.


According to the company, the barge is specially developed to support excavator working in water for hard layer dredging project. It can backup excavators dredging and mining in rivers and complex water areas with strong adaptability.

HID also added that 3 pieces of positioning spuds are equipped to fix the pontoon in water. A diesel-driven hydraulic system offers power to the pontoon. A transportation barge is attached to it to transport the mud and stone to land for further disposal.

Right now, HID equipment similar to this one is operating across the world from the Middle East to Africa and South America.

But before delivery and its first dredging job, the 80-ton excavator barge will need to complete all the tests, after which it will be approved by CCS, ZC-China Ship Inspection Bureau.