Expansion of the wetlands in Mobile Bay

Research & Development

The Alabama State Port Authority and the Moffat & Nichol project team recently announced the expansion of the wetlands in Mobile Bay.

Partners for Environmental Progress

The $2.5-million Upper Mobile Bay Wetland Creation project will expand the wetlands by 1,200 acres over the next 10-20 years.

The project aims to ensure that the sediments dredged from the upper half of Mobile Bay are used to restore the coastal wetlands. Approximately 6 million cubic yards of sediment are removed from Alabama’s Mobile Harbor federal navigation channel and nearby areas each year. This project will allow those sediments to be used more efficiently and resourcefully.

The expansion of the wetlands will have several benefits on the coastal environment, including improved water quality, habitat creation for coastal and marine life, and improved dredging practices that will enhance and support commerce. It will also reduce damage from storm surge.

The project is currently in the planning phase. Over the next five years, initial construction will occur with expansion over the next 20 years.

The project team is now receiving feedback on their design concept, designing 100 acres of Wetland Creation and finalizing their long-term plan.