Major milestone for Ocean Reef Marina


Construction of a world-class marina at Ocean Reef has reached another key milestone, the Government of Western Australia said.

John Carey MLA LinkedIn

This includes the crossing of the new breakwaters at the multimillion-dollar project, set to create a safer, more accessible waterside entry for harbour users.

Work on the new $62 million breakwaters began in February last year, creating some 56 local construction jobs.

The Southern breakwater is due to reach its final length of 1.18 kilometres in the first quarter of 2022 following the Northern breakwater reaching its final length in October last year. Work will then commence on bringing the breakwaters up to their final height of up to 18.5 metres from the ocean floor.

When complete, the new breakwaters will comprise approximately 650,000 tonnes of limestone – the majority of which has been sourced locally from DevelopmentWA’s Neerabup quarry.

According to Government of Western Australia, this has unlocked 25 hectares of land for development in the neighbouring Meridian Park industrial estate, supporting the creation of 550 ongoing local jobs.

Another 300,000 tonnes of granite will be required which has predominantly been quarried in Byford by Western Australian company WA Bluemetal Quarries, creating 10 new jobs.

Following the crossover, the removal of the existing harbour breakwater has now commenced with all rocks being reused in the new breakwaters.