USACE seeks public input on Lower Snake dredging


The USACE Walla Walla District is seeking public comments regarding the Lower Snake River Navigation Channel Maintenance Project.


USACE is proposing to dredge near the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers to reestablish the congressionally authorized dimensions of the federal navigation channel to support safe and efficient commercial navigation, and operation of Lower Granite Reservoir at minimum operating pool during juvenile salmon migration.

USACE is now requesting comments in accordance with National Environmental Policy Act regulations to identify important issues to be analyzed in depth in an Environmental Assessment (EA) and draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) unless an Environmental Impact Statement is determined appropriate.

According to USACE, helpful comments will focus on:

  • significant issues associated with the proposed dredging-disposal action;
  • options for disposal of dredged material (e.g., in-water or upland);
  • potential environmental effects.

USACE will collect comments and input until March 7, 2022.