Public feedback invited on Bermagui dredging

Business development

To recommence the Bermagui Harbour and Channel Dredging project, Transport for NSW is proposing to modify the existing Review of Environmental Factors titled Bermagui Boat Harbour and Entrance Channel Sediment Investigation.

Transport for NSW is now inviting public feedback on the new Addendum Review of Environmental Factors, 2021 (AREF) which addresses a new approach to aspects of the Bermagui Harbour and Channel Dredging project.

The project expects to dredge around 27,000 cubic metres of sand.

The new AREF addresses four key features of the project to be modified from the original plan:

  • Long term storage of the 12,000m3 of Virgin Excavated Natural Materials (VENM) removed from Horseshoe Bay Beach in-situ in the stockpile area, rather than relocating material to Moorhead Beach as previously planned;
  • Material dredged from inner harbour areas of Bermagui Harbour (Areas 3, 4 and 5) will be placed in bunded areas at the stockpile site and are to be tested and classified for reuse or waste;
  • Materials dredged from Areas 2 and 6 to be used for beach nourishment by placing the excavated sand in the surf zone 50m offshore at Moorhead Beach;
  • We will manage the stockpile area for long-term storage of the dredge material according to the Stockpile Site Management Guidelines (TfNSW 2015). photo

The AREF will be on public display from Friday 4 March until Monday 4 April 2022.

Two public information sessions will be held will be held at the Bermagui Community Centre Hall at the following times:

  • Thursday 24 March 2022 from 6pm-8pm
  • Saturday 26 March 2022 from 2pm-4pm