Major new investment to safeguard iconic Stonehaven Harbour

Project & Tenders

A major infrastructure programme to safeguard the long-term future of the iconic Stonehaven Harbour will commence in May, reports Aberdeenshire Council.

Aberdeenshire Council

The Council is investing £2.2million in the works as part of its wider improvement strategy to protect and enhance the region’s harbours.

Following tender approval by the council’s Kincardine and Mearns Area Committee, Devon-based contractors Teignmouth Maritime Services Ltd (TMS) have been appointed to lead the project which will be completed by October this year.

The steel sheet piling at Stonehaven Harbour has suffered corrosion and pitting to the extent that there are now large voids in the existing sheet piles. This has resulted in the material behind the sheet piles being exposed and at risk of being washed out by the tidal sea waters.

As the material behind the sheet piles is primarily made up of rubble and loose material, if this were to be washed out over time it could lead to potential collapse of the piers themselves.

The critical works will involve new sheet piles being installed immediately in front of the existing structure, with the gap between the walls being infilled.

As reported, TMS will seek to minimise any increase in pier dimensions to maintain navigational channels as far as practicably possible and to allow the existing boom – which is used to protect the inner harbour during storms – to be used after the improvements.