Scalise secures South Louisiana flood protection priorities in WRDA


House Republican Whip Steve Scalise yesterday released the following statement after the House passed the Water Resources Development Act of 2022:
“Passage of this WRDA bill is great news for South Louisiana, and I’m pleased that many of the hurricane and flood protection priorities I’ve fought for are included in this bill. These projects will ensure our communities are better prepared for future storms,” said Whip Scalise.

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The Water Resources Development Act of 2022 includes a number of provisions that benefit flood protection and stormwater drainage projects in Louisiana’s First Congressional District, including:

  • Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity (LPV), Louisiana Hurricane Protection Project Authorization Extension – Extends the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ authority to allow the Corps to perform levee lifts to address subsidence and maintain the authorized 100-year protection level;
  • LPV Levee Lift Authorization – Authorizes $1.2 billion for the Corps to raise LPV levees to the authorized 100-year protection level;
  • LPV Feasibility Study Authorization – Authorizes a feasibility study to examine increasing the level of protection of LPV to a 200-year level of protection;
  • Environmental Infrastructure Assistance Reauthorization – Authorizes planning, engineering, and design assistance for stormwater drainage for St. Charles, St. Bernard, and Plaquemines Parishes;
  • Transfer Payments Authorization Extension – Extends the Corps’ authority to allow for non-federal sponsors to transfer payments from one project towards the balance of another project;
  • Lower Mississippi River Comprehensive Management Study Authorization – Authorizes the Corps to conduct this study at full federal expense;
  • Grand Isle and Vicinity, Beach Erosion and Hurricane Protection Project – Report language that authorizes the Corps to repair or restore the Grand Isle and Vicinity, Beach Erosion and Hurricane Protection Project beyond its original design level, including the ability to construct additional breakwaters;
  • Port Fourchon Belle Pass Channel Deepening Project – Report language that authorizes the Corps to work with Port Fourchon to approve the Port’s beneficial use-dredged material plan to begin deepening the channel to 30 feet.