Construction continues on Kendal flood protection program


Environment Agency and VolkerStevin are about to begin work on two new locations and have completed part of the multi-million-pound Kendal flood scheme.

Construction work at Busher Walk and Benson and Sandes has now been completed on a section of earth embankment and flood walls which will provide improved protection for residents in this part of Kendal.

In the Beezon Field Nature Area, earthworks to shape the landscape features and construction of pathways has also been completed.

According to EA, the area will be planted over winter, ready for re-opening to the public in 2023. photo

Meanwhile, EA and VolkerStevin are preparing two locations – Sand Aire House and Stramongate Bridge to Gooseholme Park – for construction of the towns vital flood defences.

Works will begin to build a flood wall from The Bridge Inn to the new Gooseholme Footbridge better protecting homes and businesses along Lambrigg Terrace, Melrose Place and Sand Aire House.

Construction will also start on a new flood wall running from Stramongate Bridge to Gooseholme Park.