Port of Blyth – Autumn dredging campaign

Operations & Maintenance

The Port of Blyth has just announce that autumn maintenance dredging campaign is underway to maintain the depths of the port water areas.

Port of Blyth

According to the release, dredging kicked off on August 26th 2022, and will continue for a period of approximately 7 days.

The campaign will cover the port approaches, main navigational channel and operational commercial berths. It will include frequent trips to and from the spoil grounds, located approximately 3 miles ENE of the harbour East Pier and south bound past the wind turbine array.

The works are being undertaken over a 24 hour period by the vessel ‘UKD Orca’ with latest information regarding the areas being dredged available on the Blyth Harbour Radio.

Tug/plough dredger ‘Blyth Endeavour’ will also be engaged in this maintenance dredging project, assisting dredger ‘UKD Orca’ in everyday operations.