Fremantle dredging project halfway through

Operations & Maintenance

Rohde Nielsen has made good progress dredging the Fremantle Ports Deep Water Channel, placing the beach-quality sand onto the Port Beach.

City of Fremantle

According to the City of Fremantle, between July and October 2022, 78,000m³ of sand has been placed onto the Port Beach which is slightly over 50% of the target.

City officials also added that the last date of dredging for the year is 22 October. Works will recommence after summer to complete the placement of up to 150,000m³.

For this project, Rohde Nielsen is using the hopper dredge Modi R to pick up the sand from Deep Water Channel, and land-based machinery working on the beach to manage receival of the sand and construction of the beach profile.

The work is being delivered as a partnership project by the City of Fremantle, Fremantle Ports and the Department of Transport using $3.25 million in WA Recovery Plan funding from the state government.

It will address the current extreme erosion risk level while allowing time for a longer-term planning process to enable the implementation of a managed retreat strategy, that includes the establishment of a broader foreshore reserve to retain a beach and amenities for the community.