Comment period extended for Miami Harbor Navigation Project

Authorities & Government

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has extended the public comment period for its proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for maintenance dredging and dredged material placement for the Miami Harbor Navigation Project at Port Miami, in Miami Dade County, Florida.


In the wake of Hurricane Ian and its impact on the region, Jacksonville District has extended the period for public review and comment from Oct. 19 until Nov. 3, 2022.

The purpose of maintenance dredging is to maintain safe, efficient navigation through the port’s federal navigation project channels and related features.

Maintenance dredging is necessary to address the accumulation of sediment, commonly referred to as shoaling, which reduces the depths and widths of the navigation channels, hindering safe and efficient navigation. Removal of the accumulated sediments will restore the dredged sections to their federally authorized and constructed dimensions.

The district’s Preferred Alternative consists of removing up to 260,000 cubic yards of accumulated material, which will be placed in the Miami Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site.

Routine maintenance dredging of the federal navigation project may occur on both a periodic cycle (historically every ten to fifteen years) or on an as-needed basis for the emergency removal of shoals.

The 2022 draft EA provides an evaluation and analysis for future maintenance dredging at the federal project. The proposed FONSI, draft EA and associated appendices are available for review and comment on the Jacksonville District’s Environmental planning website.