Boskalis’ Causeway busy dredging in Stornoway, UK


Boskalis’ hopper dredger Causeway has begun dredging operations to deepen the new main quay and approaches in Stornoway, UK.

McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd

The Stornoway new deep water harbour project includes construction of a new quay, berthing dolphin and foundation works for a new linkspan as well as the removal of two shipwrecks, dredging and reclamation works including rock blasting.

According to Stornoway Port Authority, the harbour depth must be increased to ensure it is able to accommodate larger vessels. Up to 500,000 cubic metres of material will be removed from the seabed, the majority of which will be placed behind the blasted stone bunds.

The dredging is being done by TSHD Causeway along with the assistance of two workboats, the MC Fenna and the MC Aramis.

Once complete, the new Deep Water Terminal will provide modern facilities for a variety of sectors, including the energy and transport industries, and its design will enable it to be adapted for a wide range of future uses.

As well as being able to accommodate on and offshore wind farm vessels and support other energy sector activity, its main berth will be suitable for the largest cruise liners, which will help boost the islands’ important tourism industry.