Rohde Nielsen’s TSHDs Ask R and Magni R busy in Denmark


Rohde Nielsen dredging crews are very busy at the moment, undertaking a very important dredging project in Grådyb, Denmark

Rohde Nielsen

The company has just released these amazing photos of its two TSHDs, Ask R and Magni R, working on this maintenance dredging program for the Danish Coastal Authority.

Rohde Nielsen photo

To maintain the water depth of -10.3m in the access channel, Rohde Nielsen dredged 200,000 m3 of material, which was subsequently pumped through a pipeline in Esbjerg Port for land reclamation.

Rohde Nielsen photo

Port Esbjerg is being expanded on a sustainable basis by using sand from the port’s navigation channel to backfill reclaimed areas.

The Danish Coastal Authority is responsible for safeguarding shipping lanes in Danish waters. Four times a year, the navigation channel off Port Esbjerg is charted, to find the places with new sand deposits, causing the depth to fall short of the required 10.5 metres.