Better Boating Victoria: Grants on offer to improve boating


Around $3 million is up for grabs to upgrade boating facilities and improve access thanks to the Recreational Boating Structural Maintenance and Dredging Grants, Better Boating Victoria (BBV) said.


The Victorian Government-backed programs offer eligible organisations the chance to apply for funding to make getting out on the water easier for all Victorian boaters.

“The grants are funded by the Better Boating Fund, which reinvests your licence and rego into programs and projects to improve your recreational boating experience,” said BBV.

BBV photo

Up to $2m is up for grabs as part of the Recreational Boating Structural Maintenance Grants, while dredging projects can share in up to $1m through the Recreational Boating Access and Dredging Grants.

Eligible organisations comprise of local and state government departments and agencies, committees of management and local waterway authorities.

The grants close on March 16, said BBV.