TSHD Modi R wrapping up Fremantle dredging works

Operations & Maintenance

Fremantle Ports announced today that the hopper dredge Modi R is putting finishing touches on the Port Beach Sand Nourishment project.

Fremantle Ports

“Today, the final push was on, to deposit sand on to Fremantle’s Port Beach, as the the dredge Modi R rainbowed a sand and water slurry, to ensure a wide and pleasant beach for Autumn and Winter ahead,” the company said in the announcement.

The dredge has been depositing a further 52,000 cubic metres of sand over a week, to complete the full 150,000 cubic metres that has gone on to the beach since last year.

The project has been a successful partnership between Fremantle Ports, the City of Fremantle and Western Australia’s Department of Transport, with good outcomes for all.

For swimmers, the beach has been looking great, while for Fremantle Ports, there have been operational benefits. The source of the sand has been a bend in the Deepwater Channel well offshore. The edges of that channel corner have been tidied up, making it a safer turn for shipping.

Simultaneously, a wider beach offers protection to the critical Port Beach Road, which is the main road thoroughfare in and out of the Rous Head container precinct.