Contractors starting work on the Coos Bay North Jetty

Ports & Logistics

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Portland District contractors will soon begin making repairs to the Coos Bay North Jetty.


Engineers will this weekend close access roads to the North Spit marking the start of this three-year, $64 million critical infrastructure improvement project.

Coos Bay is Oregon’s largest deep-draft coastal harbor, and the jetties there reduce wave action in the bay, ensuring the safety of ships, recreational boaters, and commercial fisherman.

“The rehabilitation of the north jetty is a critical undertaking that will ensure the safety and reliability of the bay’s shipping channels for years to come,” said Capt. Marie A. Adams, project engineer. “The project includes reconstruction of the jetty head, repairs to critically damaged portions of the trunk and restoring the jetty root elevation to provide long-term erosion resilience.”

In the interest of public safety, the following sand roads will be off limits to traffic until construction is complete in December 2025 – South Dike Road, Foredune Road, and the Bayside Road starting approximately half a mile south of the end of Trans-Pacific Lane to the jetty.

The Corps contractor, Trade West Construction, will immediately start the construction of staging areas and improving some sections of Foredune Road and Reroute Road.

Early construction includes building an in-water temporary Material Offloading Facility (MOF) where most of the stones used in the jetty’s repair will be barged to.