Rehabilitation of the Kimbe Port to commence mid this year

Project & Tenders

PNG Ports Corporation Limited has just announced that bids for the upgrade and extension of the company’s third largest port, the Kimbe, are now being evaluated.

PNG Ports photo

The project that will transform the precinct into a modern port includes repairs to the international and domestic coastal wharves, barge ramps, structures, services and laydown area, dredging and shore protection improvements.

According to PNG Ports, another significant feature of the project is that the improved port will have climate change and seismic resilience incorporated into the design, enabling it to be disaster proof.

Funding for the rehabilitation of the Kimbe Port comes from the blended financial package of K1.5 billion by the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP) which is part of a bilateral sovereign loan between the Australian Government, PNG Government and PNG Ports.

Bidders will be selected in line with AIFFP and PNG Ports requirements with construction expected to commence mid this year.