Sand transfer works about to start at The Entrance


Central Coast Council crews and machinery will be out on the sand berm at The Entrance channel in the coming weeks, commencing Council’s proactive program of works to move sand from the sand spit at The Entrance. 

Central Coast Council photo

The sand will be relocated to the northern foreshores of Karagi Point Reserve to renourish some of the eroded areas there, which put us in a stronger position if any flood mitigation works are required this winter. 

Council Director Environment and Planning, Alice Howe, said that the conditions are suitable for these works which will provide multiple benefits.

“These works will improve access and help protect the amenity and foreshore infrastructure at Karagi Reserve carpark. Importantly the works will also reduce the amount of sand needing to be moved from the sand spit by Council (in accordance with the Tuggerah Lakes Interim Entrance Management Procedure) should flood mitigation works be required this winter,” Dr Howe said.

“Although the focus of the works at this time is to protect and improve access and amenity around Karagi Point Reserve and the infrastructure there, these works will make it easier for Council to respond during a severe weather event, if one arises,” added Rik Hart, Council Administrator.

“Protecting, restoring and managing our natural assets, including Tuggerah Lakes, is of high importance to Council and the strategic management of Tuggerah Lakes and The Entrance channel is undertaken on the foundation of expert studies, estuary and coastal management intelligence tools, and the expertise of specialist consultants and Council staff.”

Council is currently working towards the development of an Entrance Management Strategy through the Tuggerah Lakes Coastal Management Program.