BREAKING NEWS: Southern Centre to build six dredgers at Lotos

Business development

Russia’s largest leasing company – State Transport Leasing Company (GTLK) and Southern Centre for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair have signed a contract for the construction of a series of six self-propelled dredgers – Project 93.159А.

Photo by Southern Centre for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair

The dredgers will be built at Lotos production facilities and the first three dredgers are to be delivered in 2025, the second batch in 2026, said GTLK.

Lotos shipyard is currently building four dredgers with cutter suction and rotary  equipment, Project 93.159 and Project 93.159.1.

“To develop the North-South international transport corridor and to improve the conditions for navigation along inland waterways of Russia in general, a fleet of new highly efficient dredging vessels is needed in the very near future,” said USC head Alexey Rakhmanov.

“Astrakhan shipbuilders have the necessary competence and are already building dredging vessels. Cargo carriers and passenger companies are waiting for dredgers. It is important for USC that the series will number a total of 10 vessels – this will improve the economic performance of the project.”