Ettalong Channel dredging to be completed six weeks ahead of schedule


Dredging work on the Ettalong Channel is set to be completed six weeks ahead of schedule, with ferry services expected to resume on Monday, September 25.

Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch, facebook photo

Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch, said that the hydrographic studies would be completed this week by several parties ahead of the reopening of the channel to public transport services, as legally required.

“This work is anticipated to take a period of a week, during which time the ferry operator Fantasea will undertake crew training along the channel, as per safety requirements,” Tesch said.

“It is anticipated that ferry services will recommence on Monday, September 25, ahead of the coming long weekend, allowing locals and tourists to enjoy our beautiful waterways once again over the Labour Day long weekend.”

Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch, facebook photo

“The resumption of these ferry services will be welcome news for people of the Peninsula and the Gosford electorate, many of whom rely on the channel to access work and school, as well as essential services.”

The Faucon began dredging in late August but experienced mechanical issues just a week into the operation, leading to a brief interruption in work.

Faucon’s sister ship, the Port Frederick, was soon on the spot to resume the operation.

Member for Gosford Tesch also said that the dredging of the channel had been an ongoing issue for many years.