GLDD making progress on the Gulf Shores beachfill project

Beach Nourishment

The City of Gulf Shores (AL) new update shows that remarkable progress has been made on the town’s beach restoration project.

Photo courtesy of the City of Gulf Shores

In just over a week since dredging commenced, an impressive 237,178 cubic yards of sand have been meticulously restored to our beautiful beaches,” the City said in the update. “The dedicated crews are consistently delivering an average of 31,000 cubic yards of sand each day and working 24/7 to complete this project as quickly as possible.”

Today crews will wrap up the western section of Segment 1, stretching from 900 West Beach to W 12th Street, and move on to the eastern section, from 900 West Beach to Gulf Place.

In total Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company will place over 2 million cubic yards of sand along five segments of the shoreline from Laguna Key westward to the AL/FL State Line on Perdido Key.