Sediment removal wraps up at Arrowhead Cove


The sediment removal component of the Arrowhead Cove pilot dredging project has been completed.

Garrett County Government photo

This project removed the accumulated sediment from the lakebed to revitalize the waterbody, provide greater boater access, and preserve the cove’s ecological integrity, said Garrett County Government.
As of January 5, 2024, the contractor Byco Enterprises, Inc, had removed an estimated 11,000 cubic yards of accumulated sediment from the cove.

The 11,000 cubic yards of sediment removal was the goal of the contract with Byco and Byco tracked the amount of sediment removed on a daily basis.

The overall volume removed is being verified using drone surveys performed by Maryland Environmental Services.

Byco will now work on stabilizing and reclaiming the staging area on the shores of the cove. Once that area is stabilized, Byco will continue to monitor the area until the spring, the Government said.

Garrett County Government, the State of Maryland, property owners, and stakeholders will now begin to evaluate the pros and cons of dredging within Deep Creek Lake.

This will inform whether dredging other sediment-impacted coves is a viable and cost-effective strategy.