Buffalo West Breakwater in need of repair, says USACE

Damage along approximately 260-feet of the 10,200-foot-long Buffalo West Breakwater is in need of repair, said USACE Buffalo District.

USACE photo

If this section is not repaired, this damage would spread laterally along the structure in either direction, said USACE.

The lakebed in the damaged area is comprised of a thick layer of clay with unknown strength, and therefore this repair would require a counterweight toe to ensure geotechnical stability.

Regarding this, USACE has prepared a scoping information packet to elicit public and agency concerns, clearly define the environmental issues and alternatives that should be examined, and identify federal, state, and local requirements that may need to be addressed.

A Public Notice for repairs to the Buffalo West Breakwater is available for public comment.

The breakwater is located near the eastern shore of Lake Erie at the Buffalo Harbor, City of Buffalo, Erie County, and lies 2,475 feet west of the mouth of the Buffalo River.

The 1,800-foot-longbreakwater protects the Buffalo Harbor from the storm-driven waves originating from the west.

According to USACE, this breakwater is exposed to deepwater wave and ice action.