Henley Beach getting new sand

The South Australian Government will next month conduct periodic beach replenishment activities at Henley Beach South / Henley Beach.

Photo courtesy of the South Australian Government

According to the government, commencing Tuesday 2nd April 2024, up to 15,000 cubic meters of quarry sand will be delivered to Henley Beach South and Henley Beach via the Henley Sailing club.

Sand will be trucked along the beach from south of the Torrens outlet to areas in need. Works are expected to take approximately 5 to 6 weeks.

Providing quarry sand to Henley beaches will help to provide foreshore protection and assist with raising beach levels. In addition, it supports local council efforts to maintain beach access along this section of the coast.

Accumulation of sand at the Torrens Outlet has been steadily growing after the addition of large volumes of sand into West Beach since 2018.

Flow-on improvements in beach height and width are expected for Henley Beach South and Henley Beach as natural coastal processes moves the sand accumulated at the Torrens outlet northwards.