Environment Agency: Better flood protection planned for Isle of Wight

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The Environment Agency (EA) and the Isle of Wight Council have joined forces to ‘commit to an approach’ for the long term defence from coastal erosion and flooding in Yaverland, Sandown and Shanklin for the next 50 years.  

photo courtesy of EA

The decision to refurbish the current coastal defences, made by the Isle of Wight Council, is fully supported by the Environment Agency. It follows in-depth investigations, assessments, financial analysis, and a public consultation,” said EA.

Emily Webster, project lead for Shanklin and Yaverland coastal defence schemes at the Environment Agency, said: “This decision was based upon our detailed assessments of the best options available, as well as listening to the views of the local communities who said that better protection from coastal erosion and flooding was a priority.”  

“The next stage is to create an initial design and plan for the construction work.”

Isle of Wight councillor Paul Fuller, cabinet member for planning, coastal protection, and flooding, added: “The current flood defences are deteriorating, so it’s vital we act now to better protect these coastal communities from rising sea levels and more extreme storm events in the future.”

The repaired sea defences will better protect 115 homes in Yaverland and Sandown as well as key infrastructure, 102 businesses, heritage assets and designated sites from the risk of flooding and coastal erosion.

Also, approximately 76 properties and 55 businesses in Shanklin is set to be better protected from the risk of flooding and coastal erosion.