St. Augustine Beach shoreline protection project

Beach Nourishment

Last month, the Army Corps Jacksonville District paused the start of St. Augustine Beach shore protection renourishment project by three to four weeks to allow for the mobilization of additional equipment.

Photo courtesy of the City of St. Augustine Beach

According to the Corps, this rescheduling of the sand placement will maximize the effectiveness of beach construction in sync with the expected nesting and blossoming activity of coastal fauna and flora.

USACE expects the contractor to resume sand placement this week or early next one. The planned project completion target of August 2024 is not expected to be adversely affected.

The re-nourishment will place approximately 2.5 million cubic yards of sand on critically eroded beaches within the city of St. Augustine Beach, extending three miles from Anastasia State Park at the north to the vicinity of A Street at the southern end of the shoreline.

The $33 million contract, awarded to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, is 100 percent federally funded with Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies monies.