Millport coastal scheme reaches major milestone

Breakwater Repair

Works at a £48 million Flood Protection Scheme on the Isle of Cumbrae are developing well and offshore works are now completed, North Ayrshire Council said.

photo courtesy of North Ayrshire Council

Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of flooding across Scotland, and Millport Flood Protection Scheme – which work started on last spring – is set to help improve the safety and security of the island’s residents against increased coastal flooding threats.

The completed offshore works include:

  • The installation of an offshore rock armour breakwater, which has created a calm area of water. This part of the works is essential to allow a proposed marina – which is an Ayrshire Growth Deal project – to be constructed in the future,
  • Foreshore rockworks at Clyde Street and at Crichton Street/Clyde Street,
  • The creation of concrete revetments – slopes that absorb wave energy to help reduce coastal erosion – at Kelburn Street, Millburn Street and Clyde Street on Cumbrae.

Onshore works around Glasgow Street are also progressing well and include plans for: new benches being put in place; kerbing; surfacing works; jetty repairs – including the jetty near the famous Crocodile Rock; promenade wall repairs and repainting.

The main contractor for the flood protection work in Millport is Van Oord UK Ltd, with support from subsidiary Mackley Civil Engineering.