Great Sodus Bay breakwater repair out for proposals

Breakwater Repair

A work package from the USACE Buffalo District for repairs to the Great Sodus Bay East Breakwater is officially out for proposals.

U.S. Army photo by Avery Schneider

$20 million dollars is already allocated towards the 100% federally funded project, marking the largest investment ever in Great Sodus Bay by the Corps of Engineers.

Commenting the news, U.S Senator Charles Schumer said: “I was proud to deliver the $20 million needed to fix the aging Great Sodus Bay breakwater last year to kickstart repairs and now we can finally say, ‘ready, set, start building!’”

“The Great Sodus Bay East Breakwater is vital to protecting this Lake Ontario community from violent floods, but for years has been in a state of disrepair, threatening residents’ safety and livelihood. Today, we are turning a corner and ready to move full steam to embark on these much-needed upgrades.”

USACE’s project will repair the full 1,653-foot length of the breakwater over two construction seasons.

Building on top of the original timber crib and concrete cap structure, construction will return the breakwater to its original height, seven feet above the lowest water level.

The work package was put out for proposals on May 3, said USACE.

A contract award is scheduled for June/July. Construction is targeted to begin in August with completion by fall 2025.