Slight changes to the Duval beach renourishment timeline

Beach Nourishment

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District has decided to adjust the Duval County beach renourishment timeline.

Photo courtesy of GLDD

According to the Corps, the contractor – Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. will place sand on the beach southward of the pipeline in the vicinity of 10th Ave. to approximately 19th Ave.

Then the work will pause to complete mechanical adjustments before proceeding to the southernmost reach of the project.

“Some beach access points will be closed to beachgoers, please use the next open access points. Sections outside fenced work zones will remain open to the public; sand ramps will bridge beach pipelines for easy access to the water,” said USACE in an update.

Once the southern end of the project is complete, the team will change direction, placing sand moving north. Operations will be ongoing 24/7 and are expected to be complete in late August.