PPA official: Tambobo Bay dredging necessary for port operations

Business development

Dredging at Tambobo Bay in Barangay Bonbonon, Siaton, Negros Oriental is necessary to allow for the operations of an existing port in the area, as the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) said.

PNA photo by Mary Judaline Partlow

According to Fernando Mapalo Jr., the city’s acting PPA manager, the dredging has complied with the requirements prescribed by law.

Dredging will open up a channel so that the Tambobo roll-on, roll-off (RORO) port can be maximized, he said.

Eventually, when the channel is at its desired depth, the port will have the capacity to receive bigger vessels, and then we can stimulate economic activity at the port,” Mapalo said.

His reassurance comes amid concerns after the PPA confirmed the dredging about three weeks ago.

The project is expected to be completed in 348 calendar days.

Mapalo also added that the dredging would not affect or endanger the nearby marine protected area.