CAP Section 111 projects on display

Breakwater Repair

USACE New England District team members of the Camp Ellis, Saco, ME Section 111 Project Delivery Team met with representatives from the City of Saco and the local advocacy group, Save our Shores, Saco Bay, last week.

photo courtesy of USACE

The morning was spent walking the site, discussing future construction logistics, and giving new team members a look at the shoreline damages for the first time.

CAP Section 111 projects are constructed to mitigate shoreline damage. In this case, that damage is significant erosion and damage to the homes at Camp Ellis in Saco, ME, said USACE.

As a result of this project, a 750’ long spur jetty will be constructed so that it sits 1500’ offshore and parallel to the shoreline.

According to USACE, beachfill work will follow construction of the spur jetty.

The project is currently in design and a schedule for construction is being finalized.