The Netherlands: Dredge Yard Focuses on Quality Control of Dredging Equipment

Business & Finance


Dredge Yard, a specialized company in dredging technology and dredging equipment needed for the dredgers and dredge pipe lines, earns the reputation of providing high- performing products by controlling all phases of the development process like design, manufacturing and testing.

All the dredge components are designed by Dredge Yard’s team of engineers using the latest CAD technologies. They are produced in co-operation with partners at high quality manufacturing facilities and tested under strict ISO and ASTM standards and double tested at third party for verification.

During and after components’ production is made rigorous testing that comprises: the chemical composition and mechanical properties test, measurement test of all dimensions after casting, ultra sonic testing, magnetic particle, surface roughness test and dye penetrant inspection for critical parts, measurement test of all dimensions after machining, hardness test, assembly and interchangeability test, visual inspection for all parts during and after assembly. All measurements and tests are recorded at Dredge Yard database.

Dredge Yard management has related that :,, We want to involve our customers and suppliers in all our activities in a very early stage of the projects and implement their experiences in the design to ensure on time delivery, cost effective production, low maintenance, low operation cost and high grade of reliability of the products. Our customers are encouraged to witness any test in our production facilities’’

In this way Dredge Yard has grabbed the attention of many dredging companies from whole the world having like watchword the quality assurance of its products and services.

Source: Dredge Yard, August 4, 2011