Land Area Forming Project of Fujian Meizhou Port Area Signed (China)

Recently, CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. has won the bid for the Section B Construction of the Land Area Forming Project of Shimenao Operating Area at Meizhou Bay, Fujian with a contract value of 387 million yuan.

The project is located at Xiuyu District, Meizhou Bay, Putian, Fujian, where is the main channel for 1000000-ton freighters. It is also at the east of the sea area of Talin route. This project includes the forming of the causeway and the land area, the construction of the road network and foundations and the dredging work. When the project is completed, a total land area of about 3,010,000 square meters will be formed.

The Project is of great significance for the acceleration of the harbor area construction at Meizhou Bay and improvement of economic and social development of the West Strait Zone.


Dredging Today Staff, April 12, 2012;