USA: Corps Hosts Public Information Session on Wilmington Harbor Study

 Corps Hosts Public Information Session on Wilmington Harbor Study

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, will hold a public information session today to discuss the Wilmington Harbor Navigation Improvements Feasibility Study.

The informal open house-type session will be held at the Coastline Conference Center, 501 Nutt Street, from 4-6 p.m. The Coastline Conference Center is located adjacent to the Best Western. Exhibits and handouts will be available, and Corps of Engineers officials will be present to answer questions.

This feasibility study will examine the potential for making improvements to three areas of the existing navigation channel that are posing problems and creating inefficiencies for ships currently calling on the Port of Wilmington. These three areas are: (1) entrance channel near Bald Head Island; (2) Battery Island Turn; and (3) Anchorage/Turning Basin. Representatives from the Port of Wilmington will be available to discuss the role of the port on the local and state economy.

The feasibility study and report will examine all relevant economic, environmental, and social benefits and costs related to any proposed improvements.

The final product will be an integrated U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Feasibility Report and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document which will contain recommendations to Congress. There will be various opportunities during the course of the study for the public to formally provide input and comments.


Dredging Today Staff, April 24, 2012; Image: usace